Ross was a teacher concerned with the process of education – not a guru trying to change the world. He offered culture rather than charisma, and although charisma may be superficially more appealing, in the end it is the culture in a person that endures. It is the gifts of their culture that become their contribution to the world that outlasts their mortal lives. The legacy that some people leave to the world is obvious, and often their contribution is recognised before they die. But others – such as Ross – contribute in a way that is more hidden. It is as if they plant seeds during their lifetime that only flower when they have long left this earth…
Philip Carr-Gomm, ‘Journeys of the Soul’ – A Biography of Ross Nichols
1902 | Philip Peter Ross Nichols born in Norwich, Norfolk, 28 June, one of four children |
1914-1918 | The First World War. Ross is 12-16 yrs old. Family lives in Cornwall then Somerset |
1919–1920 | At boarding school in Oxford – Bloxham School |
1921–1924 | Reading History at St.John’s College Cambridge |
1924-1939 | 15 years of journalism, poetry writing, teaching. Probably takes life-drawing classes. His poetry is published in Horizon, Poetry Quarterly, Poetry (London) and Poetry (Scotland), the New Saxon and the New English Weekly, and reviewed in The Times Literary Supplement, The Listener, The Birmingham Post, Scrutiny, the Yorkshire Post, the Manchester Evening News, New English Weekly, and Poetry Quarterly. Joins the Naturist community of Spielplatz mid-1930s. His father dies aged 78 in 1935 |
1939 | Visits Scotland – his account is published in 1941 as Sassenach Stray. Visits Malta |
1940 | Becomes Principal of private college – ‘Jimmy’s’ |
1941 | Sassenach Stray and Prose Chants & Proems published |
At some time during the war Ross’ brother Francis is killed as a result of friendly fire | |
1946 | The Cosmic Shape published with James Kirkup. Ancient Druid Order Chief George Watson MacGregor Reid dies |
1947 | Seasons at War published (from a war journal). Leaves Spielplatz Naturist community, and transfers allegiance to Gerald Gardner’s club – the Five Acres Naturist Club (probably this year, but certainly from 1957). Between now and 1949 buys 9.5 acres of woodland in Buckinghamshire for private retreats. |
1948 | An influential book for Ross is published- Robert Graves’ The White Goddess |
1949 | Mother dies aged 88. Becomes Assistant Editor of ‘The Occult Observer – A Quarterly Journal of Occultism, Art & Philosophy’ |
1951 | Last Witchcraft Act in Britain repealed. Visits Italy. |
1952 | Edits and publishes The History & Practice of Magic in two vols. |
1954 | Publication of Witchcraft Today by Gerald Gardner, edited by Ross. Joins The Ancient Druid Order |
1957–1967 | Works on The Land of the White Bull |
1959 | The Meaning of Witchcraft, by Gerald Gardner published – includes references to Ross |
1962 | Visits Ireland to lecture at the Theosophical Society in Dublin |
1963 | Travels with ADO Chief to Breton Gorsedd and is ordained Archdeacon of Ancient Celtic Church |
1964 | Gardner dies. ADO Chief Robert MacGregor Reid dies. Archbishop Tugdual dies. Ross founds The Order of Bards Ovates and Druids |
1967 | Visits Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and probably the Breton Gorsedd at Paimpont in Britanny |
1970 | Visits the Boyne Valley and Huntington Castle, Clonegal, in Ireland |
1971 | Submits Land of the White Bull to publishers. Starts work on The Book of Druidry |
1973 | Visits Paul Bouchet, Druid Chief of the College des Gaules, in France, with Vera Chapman |
1974 | Visits Bulgaria. Finishes The Book of Druidry |
1975 | Dies of a heart attack at a friend’s house in London 30th April |