Divination Weekend

Divination Weekend

August 9-11

$70 registration fee

Gather with like-minded folks to explore a variety of tools and techniques for divination during this weekend at The Awen Center in Jefferson, NY, USA. Workshops include a practice share, creating a divination Grimoire, tuning into your personal symbols through shamanic journeying and forest therapy experiences and handcrafting a leather bag for one’s tool of choice.  Registration is $70/person for the weekend. Does not include housing or meals. Both on-site camping and shared meal prep facilities are available.

For details and to book visit here.


Learn more about Druidry and how to join the order

The practice of Druidry used to be confined to those who could learn from a Druid in person. But now you can take an experience-based course wherever you live, and when you enrol on this course, you join the Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids, and begin an adventure that thousands of people all over the world have taken. It works with the ideas and practices of Druidry in a thoroughly practical, yet also deeply spiritual way.