Groves in the UK and Ireland

The three most beautiful sights: A potato-garden in bloom; A ship in sail; A woman after the birth of her child. Irish Triad

Not all OBOD Groves wish to be listed on a public site, but those that do can be found here, with links to their websites and email contacts. For more groups in the UK & Ireland see the Seed Groups page.

Ireland (including N Ireland)

An Fiodh Neimheadh,  Kilkenny area

Druid Grove of Anu, Killarney


Dunedin Grove,  Edinburgh area
Dunedin Grove has members who are Bards, Ovates and Druids throughout Scotland and the North of England. They celebrate all the Festivals of the year in the traditional way, share festivals with other Groves and meet up for social events. Their habitual Grove is in Edinburgh, but will celebrate at appropriate spots in the Greater area. Dunedin Grove is an open Druid Grove which welcomes all who come with a good heart and in friendship regardless of their druid path or affiliations.

Orcades Grove,  Orkney

We meet to celebrate the eight festivals at the Ring of Brodgar / Stones of Stenness followed by an informal moot at the standing Stones Hotel.


The Light of the Holy Thorn Grove, Dinas Powys, Vale of Glamorgan



Light of the Hearth, Bedford MK41


Dobunni Grove,
The Dobunni were founded in 1992 and have met in and around Bristol since 1994. They celebrate the eight festivals and in addition have separate meetings between each for the Bard, Ovate and Druid grades. They also provide public ceremonies at Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain at the prehistoric circles at Stanton Drew, a dozen miles south of Bristol. New members are welcome, and those interested are invited first to a festival to meet the existing group. The Grove is run on democratic lines, with decisions being taken by collective discussion, and encourages creativity and experimentation in its rituals.


Coryk’s Grove, North Cornwall and Devon

The Grove of Alban Nymet,  NW Devon and N Cornwall

The Grove of Alban Nymet are an open and friendly group who have been meeting regularly for almost 20 years, with members spread over a wide area of North Devon. Our name was chosen to remind us of the great forest that once covered our land, which is also reflected in the many “Nymet” place names around Devon.

Our Grove Meetings are held in various members’ homes, and we are lucky enough to celebrate the eight Festivals on land belonging to 2 of our members, who also run workshops, and we occasionally have a guest speaker.

We welcome anyone who is interested in Druidry and/or Green Spirituality to get in touch with us.
We look forward to sharing tea and cake with you in the North Devon Countryside.

South Devon and Dartmoor Grove

The Grove of The Wild Moor,  Dartmoor

Greater Manchester

Setantii Grove,  Heaton Park area


Etaine: Shining Earth

Etaine Shining Earth meets regularly at all the festivals and sometimes for full moon ceremonies, weather permitting, in our beautiful hill top Grove surrounded by a circle of ancient Beech and Oaks in the heart of the New Forest. We work deeply with the spirits of this place and continually experiment with ways in which to achieve a deeper connection with the natural forces and spirits of our world. We are small and friendly group and always welcome visitors and new members.

Sylvan Grove
The Sylvan Grove meets in the New Forest near to the historic village of Burley. They celebrate the eight ceremonies of the year, and also offer workshops, initiations and rites of passage. Members of OBOD are always welcome to apply for membership and to come along as a guest first to see how they feel. Non-members are welcome to attend our ceremonies by prior arrangement and quite a few of these have gone on to join OBOD and the grove.


Ellanti Gallo Grove, West Malling

The Ellanti Gallo Grove is based in Kent. We celebrate the solstices and the equinox by holding public rituals at Coldrum Long Barrow. We celebrate the other 4 festivals holding closed rituals in our private woodland near Canterbury. OBOD members are welcome to come along to our public rituals to meet us and see how we work. You are also welcome to take part in the rituals and stay for a chat afterwards!


Earthstars Grove
The Earthstars discovery is very much a part of the living tradition of druid wisdom that is encoded within The Grail Lands of Britain. It is particularly connected to the Arthurian Legends which conceal the keys to a far older wisdom tradition relating to the true nature of The Holy Grail and the Healing of the Wasteland. It is for these reasons that the Earthstars Group, who come together to work with these sites, their energies and our Visionary Landscape in general, has become an official Grove of the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids. Through the group and through OBOD’s teaching courses, interested individuals can acquire a solid grounding in the various skills necessary for an involvement in such matters. The Earthstars Grove organises site visits, pilgrimages, workshops, Visionary landscape walks, talks and other relevant events, mostly in the London area, but generally wherever the spirit of place calls.


Pendle Grove
The Pendle Grove meets regularly for the eight festivals, usually on Pendle Hill, or, during the winter months, in a hired hall. There are several members that take it in turns to arrange the rituals and there is freedom as to whether they are scripted or not. Usually they are unscripted but there is no rule as to how they are to be practised.
There is no dress code but the senior members do tend to robe. During the ritual there is always an eisteddfod, and these are getting longer as members are gaining confidence. Festivals are also always followed by a time of fellowship and shared meals. We do welcome guests to our festivals but always hope that they will formalise their membership in time. Nonetheless, although we have non-members sharing in our activities, we are still formally an OBOD Grove and have no plans to be anything else. The story of our survival through difficult times and succeeding renewed growth is nothing less than startling. We are a lively group of people, committed to the Grove and to each other. We hope that we are a fine example of Druidry in England’s North West.


Grove of the Corieltauvi
OBOD members-only grove centred around the Charnwood Forest/ Loughborough area. Members from Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire.


Big Sky Grove

The Big Sky Grove is based in Norfolk on the east coast of England. Our name is based on the beautiful vista and big skies that are our inherent landscape in Norfolk. We are open to members and former members of OBOD. The Grove meets to celebrate the eight festivals and holds regular meetings, walks and a discussion group.

Iceni Grove, Norwich area


Northumbrian Grove


Nemeton of the Stars


Borders Grove, Mid-Wales (Powys)/English border (Shropshire/Herefordshire) 


The Appleseed Grove,
Originally formed in 2002 as an OBOD Seed Group, The Appleseed Grove is based in Glastonbury and is open to members and former members of OBOD.  The Grove meets to celebrate the eight festivals (which guests and applicants are welcome to attend), and holds regular meetings, workshops, and eisteddfods for members.  Days out and weekends away are also organised, with an emphasis on visiting sacred sites, meeting up with other Groves/Seed Groups – and, of course, having a thoroughly good time together!  Individual Grove members can often be found sharing a pot of tea/coffee with visiting OBODies in one of the local cafés – so anyone who is planning to come to Glastonbury, and would like to meet up, is welcome to get in touch.

The Ash Grove,  Glastonbury Area

The Ash Grove celebrates the seasonal festivals at a sacred site on the outskirts of Glastonbury,  and visiting OBOD members are welcome to join us. We enjoy meeting travellers to Glastonbury, sharing a wealth of local and traditional knowledge and finding out about our Druid colleagues. We are involved in local community projects such as the St. John’s interfaith Christmas Tree Festival and we wassail the Glastonbury Abbey orchard every January, in line with Somerset custom. Currently our Grove meetings, exploring various aspects of Druidry, are held in yurt on the levels. If you’re planning a trip to Glastonbury, do drop us a line.


Awen Oaks Grove


Sun Wise Grove, North Wiltshire

West Midlands

Dinas Canolog Grove,  Birmingham and Solihull area


Cornovii Grove

North Yorkshire

Arturian Grove

The Arturian Grove meets in the rural area of West/North Yorkshire. They follow the OBOD way of celebrating the passage of the seasons and meet on the nearest convenient Sunday to the solstices, equinoxes and the dates of the fire ceremonies, usually at Clifton Village Hall where they hold their ceremonies in the open air, weather permitting.

Dracaena Grove

Saltburn by the Sea & Redcar, Teesside.

The Dracaena Grove would welcome enquiries from OBODies living in the Redcar and Cleveland area of North Yorkshire, England.  We meet in Saltburn by the Sea and currently hold rituals four times per year…either at the time of the Albans, or on the alternate year, at the time of the  Fire Festivals; weather-permitting we meet outdoors. Between our meetings for ritual, we meet up for a social time of chat, coffee and cake.


Learn more about Druidry and how to join the order

The practice of Druidry used to be confined to those who could learn from a Druid in person. But now you can take an experience-based course wherever you live, and when you enrol on this course, you join the Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids, and begin an adventure that thousands of people all over the world have taken. It works with the ideas and practices of Druidry in a thoroughly practical, yet also deeply spiritual way.