Ady Chapman


Ady embraces people from all walks of life, and welcomes people to contribute to events that truly capture their unique spirit, their passions, their interests, beliefs and expressions of art and music and culture.

Ady brings a range of experiences and skills with him to inform his celebrant work. He has trained in a range of spiritual practices, which are historically, culturally and theologically informed, over the last 20+ years. He initially trained in the UK with various international groups and experts, and since 2006 has continued his training in Aotearoa/New Zealand, along with his wife. Ady can work with you to develop meaningful, unique celebrations and occasions to meet your needs. Ady usually works alongside his wife both behind the scenes and for public and private events, and they have together created and officiated many types of unions, passing’s, rights of passage, workshops and gatherings.

Acorn Celebrancy is informed by:
– Client oriented respect and regard
– Respect for individually meaningful beliefs
– A wide and embracing range of spiritual practices
– A wide and embracing range of cultural practices and knowledge
– Passion and love for the arts
– Unique self expression

You can contact him in Aotearoa/New Zealand at or on his mobile 0064 21 027 29604.


Learn more about Druidry and how to join the order

The practice of Druidry used to be confined to those who could learn from a Druid in person. But now you can take an experience-based course wherever you live, and when you enrol on this course, you join the Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids, and begin an adventure that thousands of people all over the world have taken. It works with the ideas and practices of Druidry in a thoroughly practical, yet also deeply spiritual way.