I celebrate the seasons with a small group of people in the Zurich area and offer my services as a celebrant. I also teach History and Spanish to sixth form students and get a lot of joy from working with asylumseekers and refugees.I love drafting and conducting rituals – be it for a single person, a small group or a larger circle – on top of a mountain, in your home, in a hired hall.
Besides the more frequent events I have received requests to bless a plot of land where a home was to be built, to cleanse a house after a painful break up had happened, to reassure a young person going on a long trip – a ceremony can help to reassure and mark such moments. I was raised in Switzerland and later studied Cultural Anthropology and History in Zurich, Berlin and Mexico. In my work I was lucky enough to travel and learn about different cultures and their ceremonies and celebrations. I worked in Asia and Africa for international aid agencies and in Production Management for documentaries in the UK where I lived for twelve years. It was in Bristol I got involved with OBOD-Druid studies and the Dobunni Grove. I was always interested in the way people mark transitions – whether in a traditional religious context or in more open, inclusive forms of spirituality or even in a completely secular way. I completed the training courses with River Jones, Celebrating Life, on family celebrations, and Serving the Living and the Dead – conducting funeral ceremonies. If you are looking for an English speaking celebrant in the Northeast or Central Switzerland I would be delighted to hear from you. Visit my website here.