John Shrewsbury


I am a Druid Graduate of OBOD. I hold a baccalaureate degree in religious studies and several graduate degrees in unrelated fields including a Ph.D. and have many years of experience with ritual and liturgy and as a celebrant for various types of rituals including weddings and funerals.

I have served as chef druid of an independent druid grove in Nashville, TN, USA since 2009 and am ordained by the Grove (incorporated as a 501c3 religious institution / church) and can legally perform weddings. Our grove provides a place for the local druid community to come together regularly to celebrate the seasonal rites and celebrations, as well as significant life events including rites of passage such as hand fastings (both traditional year and a day, and permanent marriages), funerary rites, and baby naming’s. The grove also serves as host to the local OBOD seed group.
We primarily provide such rites and rituals in a druid context, but are open to providing service to those who cannot find them in their own traditions, particularly in the area of same-gender marriages. Will travel anywhere in the middle-Tennessee area. You can contact me through our grove website below or by emailing [email protected]


Learn more about Druidry and how to join the order

The practice of Druidry used to be confined to those who could learn from a Druid in person. But now you can take an experience-based course wherever you live, and when you enrol on this course, you join the Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids, and begin an adventure that thousands of people all over the world have taken. It works with the ideas and practices of Druidry in a thoroughly practical, yet also deeply spiritual way.