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For all those who enjoyed Tim’s previous Blog post, here is his recipe to try for yourselves! Ingredients 2 cups/680 g coarse ground yellow cornmeal, plus more for pan 2 tsp/12 g baking soda* 1 tsp/6 g kosher salt 1.5 cups/355 ml buttermilk 4 tble/56 g butter, melted and cooled...
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by Tim Billbrough Inspiration I am not much of an artist, poet or writer, but I do love to cook and to express my creativity through food. So I found, when my thoughts turned to the upcoming festival of Imbolc, that Awen hit me and asked what I would make...
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by Nimue Brown, reposted form Nimue’s Blog Druidlife Recently on Facebook, my friend Vishwam raised the question of what would happen if we were all a little kinder to ourselves. As a consequence of the post, I’ve spent some serious time with that question. What does it mean to be...
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by Maria Ede-Weaving The world feels a very intense place of late. It has got me thinking about grace under pressure and how we deal with those times when our world crumbles. Being a tarot nut, I so often turn to its wisdom, in good times and bad. This week...
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We are delighted to announce that the new series of Adventures in Nutopia with David Bramwell has now launched! Welcome to Nutopia, a documentary-style series exploring radical ideas, new myths and social movements for a positive future shaped by community, re-enchantment, sustainability, ecology, creativity, magic and compassion. Don’t worry about...
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by Lorien Cadier Our ancestors lived in what is described by Richard Rohr as “a naturally enchanted universe”, which they honoured and took responsibility for in an act of co-creation to ensure their own continuity and that of the world they lived in. Nature was not considered by them to...
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by Philip Carr-Gomm There’s more to this! The mystic lifts a hand and describes an arc in the air. The detective leans forward and displays the evidence. The press fall silent as the scientist announces a discovery. Your friend in the world of politics confides in you. You lie on...
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by John King, reposted from his Blog Muddy Feet: Meeting Nature on Nature’s Terms ~ A Blog about a Druid living in the Oak woods of Ardnamurchan So are you, well that’s my belief….whatever your belief, religion or if you have no faith at all the reality is that there...
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by James Nichol from his Contemplative Inquiry Blog Half-way between the certainty of science on one hand, and the supernatural on the other, is mystery…Mystery is central to enchanted experience because enchantment is not a rational process of recognition, categorization, knowledge, facts or rationalizations. It is, instead, a pure experience...
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by Damh the Bard, reposted from Damh’s Blog For many, the modern Druid tradition is made up of three ‘grades’ or schools. The Bard, the Ovate and the Druid. Sometimes it can feel like a linear structure – we begin as Bards, then move on to Ovate, the finally to...
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Back in late 2020, we created the Druids for Justice page on the OBOD website. We intended it to be a place where members could share their experiences with Justice, and explore ways in which a Druid practice informed their approach. We are sharing again here the link to the...
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Many of you will know that one of the charities that OBOD supports is Trees For Life. Trees for Life are replanting the Ancient Caledonian Forest in the Scottish Highlands. For 2014, our 50th Anniversary Year, we funded the planting of a Golden Anniversary Grove in Scotland – near Loch...
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by Nimue Brown, reposted from her Druid Life Blog As I type this, all I can hear is bird song, and the small noises of everyday life. If I moved to the bedroom, I would hear the nearby stream in addition to the birds. These are good sounds that soothe...
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by Maria Ede-Weaving It is always interesting to me how language shapes our understanding of reality. It fascinates me that in some languages there are words that cannot directly translate into English. This suggests that others can see or perceive something in life and in our world, that we just...
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by Alan Close your eyes, imagine your grove, what do you see, what do you smell, what do you hear? Would it surprise you to know that there are some people for whom the answer to all those questions is ‘nothing’. This is the ‘condition’ known as Aphantasia, it affects...
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Greetings my friends! My blog has been quiet recently as I’ve had my head down getting things all wrapped up on the new album. The good news is that it is finished and has been sent off to the disc manufacturers and also uploaded to all of the download and...
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Some thoughts about the Spring Equinox from Maria Ede-Weaving… The Goddess I personally associated with the Spring Equinox is the Anglo-Saxon Eostre. Although she is historically obscured by the mists of time, something about her has always drawn me. For me, she is the spring maiden of vibrant new life...
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I am still feeling the afterglow of meeting up with so many wonderful members at the recent OBOD Winter Gathering that took place on Saturday 2 December 2023. It is always such a delight to spend time with my fellow OBODies. Traditionally, we have held our Gatherings at the Town...
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by Maria Ede-Weaving from her Blog A Druid Thurible Change, whether it appears to come unexpectedly from outside forces, or from the efforts of our own willpower, is undoubtedly the catalyst to any transformative journey. One of the central lessons of my own life has been the challenge to open...
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by Damh the Bard reposted from his Blog I’ve had a difficult relationship with Autumn all of my life, being a son of Summer and lover of Spring. I never trusted Autumn because as it approached it had one hand behind its back, holding Winter. However this year has been...
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by Caroline Williams, reposted from her Blog: Druid Therapy ~ A Modern Journey Into Healing, Weaving Modern Psychology With Ancient Wisdom. The past is a great place and I don’t want to erase it or to regret it, but I don’t want to be its prisoner either. ~ Mick...
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by Maria Ede-Weaving Of all colours, brown is the most satisfying.~Mary Webb Before my Pagan journey began, for many years I hated the descent into winter; as life retreated and the darkness and cold encroached, my gloominess increased. Pathologically blinkered against the beauty of winter for so long, I remember...
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Many Druids share a love of the North Cornish Coast and Tintagel Island. This area of Cornwall with its dramatic landscape and mythological associations has a particularly magical atmosphere, so we thought you would love this beautiful artwork by Craig Rossi. It depicts a gateway in Tintagel Castle and is...
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A Tall Standing Stone near Castell Bryn Gwyn Many of you will already know about The British Pilgrimage Trust and might even have seen it’s founders Guy and Will speak at the OBOD Gathering one year. For those that don’t know, the Trust aims to promote pilgrimage in the UK....