This short book, 91 pages, is packed with expert knowledge around using music as a form of magic. It is well written, easy to understand and everything is explained with examples given.
The author uses the English language and the study of words as well as human biology and science to explain things. It may seem quite academic for some people although if you stick with it you will learn a great deal and it could be
the difference between a good or a great magical experience.
All humans practice magic in one form or another, depending on their religion or spirituality, and this book lays the ground rules for using music within any magical setting. Magic is not only for pagans but for Christians and other religions that use prayer as a form of magic to get what they require.
All types of musical instruments and song are discussed as are group and solo activities. This book looks at things from all perspectives and the author uses some of their experiences to allow the reader to understand what is being said.
God/Goddess is within the energy of the music and making music can be an extremely religious or spiritual experience. The mechanics behind making music are quite extraordinary and in depth and you should always do what works best for you as long as your Will and Intention are for the good of all. Some chapters may resonate more with the reader than others, depending on your interests, and this book sets out the groundwork for getting the best out of your magical musical experiences.
I really enjoyed this book and it has taught me a lot around subjects that I had previously explored although had never looked at from this author’s perspective.
~ RW