by Stefano Alessi ~
A Druid is his or her Land ~
My land is Tuscany, more precisely the area of Montalbano in Lower Valdarno, near Vinci (Florence); it’s a mountain ridge of about 25 km and covers about 180 kmq of land in the heart of the basin of the river Arno. I have always been very attached to my native land, and through Druidry, I had the opportunity to deepen and strengthen my relationship with it. This part of the landscape is easy to look at, with its rolling green hills, terraced and cultivated with olives and other fruit trees; but also with strong and long-lived plants, full of life and energy. Exploring it, I discovered stories and energies that have been created over the years; a series of teachings related to typical trees of this region. In this short work I will present nine trees I grew up with, and with which I have a strong relationship; trees and place that have spoken to me every time I open to the Song of the Earth and the wisdom of the Dragon, with a curious mind.
It is said that the root of the self is where we gather our inner strength, and trees can help us to sink our roots in Mother Earth to receive spiritual nourishment and Nwyfre to keep our bodies healthy. The roots of something is its Source, our source are our Ancestors, Ancestors of blood and also in spirit. To honor the life of the trees, and all of creation, means honoring our roots, and in doing so, opening up the flow of the infinite blessings that come from the otherworld… sending forth within us, a deep feeling of gratitude for the beauty of which we are the Keepers.
Walk in the Woods and learn its Essencewith lowly heart go…walking it..know its breath..with a curious mind experience…immerse yourself in its scents!Walk in its silence and follow the Song of the Earthheal your wounds and rearrange your thoughtshonor the flow of time listening to its voice…in the reflection of the stars … cathedrals of trees above you..
Olive, the Inner Energy-Olea europaea-Planetary energy: the Sun.Position around the wheel: NorthArthurian archetype: the MabonKeyword: Energy, Strength, Regeneration
I live in the land that is the heart of the extra virgin olive oil production, and the Montalbano hills abound with these magnificent evergreen trees placed in wide terraces. They can reach a height of 20 meters and their trunks are very peculiar: often convoluted, from which protrude many suckers, with beautiful grain and incredible hardness. It’s a tree that evokes in me the feeling of “my home”, I keep in my eyes the beauty of my hills. Walking around I saw olive trees grow in places of extreme conditions, old trees that despite signs of decay, always show an elegant bearing, proud and radiant, continuing to flourish until the last moment. This tree is truly gifted with a secret energy. Meditating near these trees has always given me great strength, a force that works on the will. In particular energises me when I feel tired and worn in my life energies. It is precisely from its flowers that Dr. Edward Bach created a remedy Olive, which when taken regularly, helps to restore our energy levels. A symbol of strength and continuous rebirth, I associate this tree with the energy of the Sun at the time of Alban Arthan, when it seems to lose strength and light, it is reborn as the young Mabon, regenerating and returning slowly to shine on us. To read the full article please click on the PDF link here.