Greetings my friends!
My blog has been quiet recently as I’ve had my head down getting things all wrapped up on the new album. The good news is that it is finished and has been sent off to the disc manufacturers and also uploaded to all of the download and streaming services ready for the launch date which be, all things going well, the 10th of May.
Cerri has once more worked her magic with the album cover artwork, and you can see the song listing here. I cannot wait for you to hear the songs. It’s been quite some journey creating this album, writing through the Pandemic, and then other life changes, but one of the things that has kept me centred and hopeful throughout it all has been my Pagan path – I think that is reflected in the songs.
The title track is dedicated to the time between the Spring Equinox and Beltane, as all the hedgerows Raise the Flag of Green. Without a doubt my favourite time of year.
Much love to you all!
~ Damh The Bard