An OBOD Druid living in the sunny (damp) town of Wigan in the Northwest of England, I’m a practicing celebrant and work with both the Setantii Grove and Nos Coryn Seed group.
As well as this I’m a blogger, podcaster and magical tool maker. I’m also an initiated Wiccan, long term witchcraft practitioner and have a personal working style that is far more animistic and shamanic than anything else. It’s pretty common to find me leading public rituals, both formally and off the cuff. For me the Joy of Celebrancy is working alongside people at the key points in their lives: namings, dedications, handfastings, funerals and rites of passage. Helping to make things run smoothly, with a gentle humour and steadying words. I’m available for all of the above and am more than happy to travel if needed. It’s important to me to make every ceremony bespoke to the participants, making sure that wishes and traditions are well reflected in their ceremonies. Feel free to drop me an email at or a phone call via 07783409738