by Maria Ede-Weaving It is always interesting to me how language shapes our understanding of reality. It fascinates me that in some languages there are words that cannot directly translate into English. This suggests that others can see or perceive something in life and in our world, that we just...

by Alan Close your eyes, imagine your grove, what do you see, what do you smell, what do you hear? Would it surprise you to know that there are some people for whom the answer to all those questions is ‘nothing’. This is the ‘condition’ known as Aphantasia, it affects...

Greetings my friends! My blog has been quiet recently as I’ve had my head down getting things all wrapped up on the new album. The good news is that it is finished and has been sent off to the disc manufacturers and also uploaded to all of the download and...

Some thoughts about the Spring Equinox from Maria Ede-Weaving… The Goddess I personally associated with the Spring Equinox is the Anglo-Saxon Eostre. Although she is historically obscured by the mists of time, something about her has always drawn me. For me, she is the spring maiden of vibrant new life...

I am still feeling the afterglow of meeting up with so many wonderful members at the recent OBOD Winter Gathering that took place on Saturday 2 December 2023. It is always such a delight to spend time with my fellow OBODies. Traditionally, we have held our Gatherings at the Town...

by Maria Ede-Weaving from her Blog A Druid Thurible Change, whether it appears to come unexpectedly from outside forces, or from the efforts of our own willpower, is undoubtedly the catalyst to any transformative journey. One of the central lessons of my own life has been the challenge to open...

by Damh the Bard reposted from his Blog I’ve had a difficult relationship with Autumn all of my life, being a son of Summer and lover of Spring. I never trusted Autumn because as it approached it had one hand behind its back, holding Winter. However this year has been...

by Caroline Williams, reposted from her Blog: Druid Therapy ~ A Modern Journey Into Healing, Weaving Modern Psychology With Ancient Wisdom.   The past is a great place and I don’t want to erase it or to regret it, but I don’t want to be its prisoner either. ~ Mick...

by Maria Ede-Weaving Of all colours, brown is the most satisfying.~Mary Webb Before my Pagan journey began, for many years I hated the descent into winter; as life retreated and the darkness and cold encroached, my gloominess increased. Pathologically blinkered against the beauty of winter for so long, I remember...

Many Druids share a love of the North Cornish Coast and Tintagel Island. This area of Cornwall with its dramatic landscape and mythological associations has a particularly magical atmosphere, so we thought you would love this beautiful artwork by Craig Rossi. It depicts a gateway in Tintagel Castle and is...

A Tall Standing Stone near Castell Bryn Gwyn Many of you will already know about The British Pilgrimage Trust and might even have seen it’s founders Guy and Will speak at the OBOD Gathering one year. For those that don’t know, the Trust aims to promote pilgrimage in the UK....

by Caitlín Matthews reposted from her Blog ~ Soundings   Over the last thirty years, I’ve invited all my shamanic students to include prayer in their lives, regardless of whatever tradition they follow. Why do I feel this important? When we learn about spiritual healing, of course we cannot be...

Listen here on Apple Podcasts Can we dream the future?Is a world without capitalism possible?What is hypnagogia?What is the death and resurrection show?Is a ‘growth economy’ better described as cancerous? Can drones heal us?Does music sound better through the chin?   Adventures in Nutopia is back with a brand new...

by Damh the Bard, reposted from Damh’s Blog For so much of my life, I didn’t really know you. I looked through eyes that never really saw you, and therefore you never really got to know me. I walked on your green fields, soft Downs, and saw your seas in...

by Catriona McDonald reposted from her Blog A Druid’s Well Turning and turning in the widening gyreThe falcon cannot hear the falconer;Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhereThe ceremony of innocence is drowned;The best lack all conviction, while...

by Cerri Lee reposted from Cerri’s Blog Yesterday a crow followed me home from the allotment, it flew low over my head and landed on the guttering of the bungalow, not five feet from my door, apparently to take a drink. I thought he would fly off as soon as...

by Maria Ede-Weaving reposted from her Blog: A Druid Thurible   September is one of my favourite months. Here in the UK, the frenetic growth of spring and summer has eased and a mellow fullness has taken its place; the sunlight has both a clarity and golden softness to it...

by John King, reposted from his Blog Muddy Feet: Meeting Nature on Nature’s Terms ~ A Blog about a Druid living in the Oak woods of Ardnamurchan It was January and I was sitting in my meditation lodge as the rain battered down on the roof and the wind howled...

by James Nichol, a repost from his Blog, Contemplative Inquiry This post looks at Animism as the guiding principal of my Druidry. The term itself comes from nineteenth century anthropology, and is somewhat problematic. Scholars from European and North American backgrounds , formed by a mix of Christian and secular...

We heard the sad news that Jamie Reid, artist, revolutionary, and druid has just died. His great uncle was the founder of the Ancient Druid Order. OBOD awarded Jamie an Honorary Bardship in 2016. Here you can see the presentation Jamie’s gallerist and friend John Marchant gave for us at...

by James Nichol, reposted from his Blog Contemplative Inquiry Streatham’s Rookery (1) is a formal garden within Streatham Common, one of south London’s many remarkable green spaces. I made a connection with it in 1992 when living close by. About a year before I discovered OBOD Druidry, I was working...

by Damh the Bard, reposted from Damh’s website Hello, my friends. Yes me and Cerri have launched a new YouTube channel. It’s been a while in the making and the first video was uploaded yesterday. If you are a regular reader of my blog you will have already seen some...

by Joanna van der Hoeven, reposted from her website Down the Forest Path The fallow deer stags have shed their antlers on the heath and in the forest in the last few weeks. As I found one atop a small rise next to ancient Celtic tumuli (burial mounds), dropped on...

by Penny Billington, reposted from Penny’s Blog I live near a tourist town with a monthly free paper promoting dozens of occult/self-development courses. Depending on your point of view, it’s either a treasure-store of magical opportunities or an ad hoc market – an esoteric version of the ancient and much...